Monday, March 29, 2010

YOUR Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a prince who was the son of a great king. Never before or since has there been a King as great as his father. Mighty men tremble in his presence, all the banks in the world do not have as much wealth as his, and his army is mightier than any other.
Now, the prince was hopelessly in love with a simple maiden. But there was one question: How could he share his love with her?
He could bring her to his palace and clothe her in royal robes, a crown and beautiful jewels. She wouldn't be able to resist...but would she love him back, or would she secretly dream of her old life?
He could ride down into the valley to greet her mounted on his royal horse, surrounded by his armed escorts and bright banners. But would she love him back... or simply submit to him because he was the prince?
There was only one thing he could do. He would descend and give up the throne. He would give up his wealth and power and he would walk away from his identity. He would wear the clothes of a beggar and simply live among her people, allowing her to choose him as he had chosen her. It would be a costly risk, but she was worth the cost.

You write the end of the are the fair maiden.
The Prince of heaven desires you. He wants nothing from you except your love. He is seeking you but he will not force you to love him back. He is waiting for you to choose him just as he has chosen you.

(I adapted this from a story told by the author Soren Kierregaard...I read it in a book by Dannah Gresh.)

1 comment:

  1. Man! The thought of the Prince of heaven thinking of me in this heart can not contain the emotion. My mind cannot conceive the thought of it! I pray each one that reads this, reflects on the fact that when He left his home in heaven to die on the cross...He thought of you above all!
