Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The "Secret Formula" For Happiness.

Who doesn't want to be happy? I was so desperate to find happiness, that it became my daily focus. I tried relationships, medication, hobbies, entertainment and even church. The problem was, my focus was completely self-centered. It became all about me. I would have saved myself a lot of trouble if I would have read Ecclesiastes. Solomon set out to do a little experiment of his own on the matter, holding nothing back from himself. In chapter 2, he tried pleasure, great accomplishments, riches, and even wisdom, and found it all to be in vain. None of it brought happiness. In verse 17, he said he hated life!
If you are driven to attain wealth, you will never be satisfied by wealth. (Vs 10) If you are driven to attain happiness, you will never attain happiness. Why? Because, God designed happiness as a reward for focusing on Him. When we are trying to make ourselves happy, we are focused on ourselves.
Happiness comes when we realize that our goal needs to change. So, what should the goal be?
Simply to glorify God with our lives. We are purchased pearls! "For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" I Corinthians 6:20
When I quit striving for happiness, and began striving to glorify God with my body and spirit, I woke up one day and was able to say, "So, this is happiness...life is good!!!" Try it!
It is the "secret formula" for happiness and it is guaranteed to work for anyone.

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