Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"The Big Picture"

***Song from Danielle's Picks~ "Trust His Heart".

I was faced with a big project...I was painting huge pieces for a Christmas float. As I was adding deep shades of red to the gigantic wooden presents, it appeared to me, to be too dramatic. The sharp colors were right in my face. I found myself stepping way back to take in the whole picture at different times because it just didn't feel right. I mean, I knew the rules of shading and highlighting, but since I'd never worked on something this big, I began to question if the same rules would apply to such a big task. "What have I gotten into?", I mumbled to myself while I worked in unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory. "From now on I'm only tackling what I'm comfortable doing...smaller pieces...I need to see the whole picture while I'm working on it." However, after several hours of repeating the process of painting a little and stepping back, I finally realized that I could trust the rules of shading and highlighting on a huge piece...it worked the same no matter how big or small the task.

God used this experience to teach me. (He does that you know. He will often use the everyday familiar things in our lives to show us something special...something secret between you and Him.)
This is what He said to me that day: "This is your attitude about my promises, Danielle. You believe me and my Word, until a situation comes along that is too big for you and you can't see the whole picture. When are you going to learn to trust what you know to be true about me when things seem too dramatic...when things are in your face? There's no reason for you to step back...just keep going forward with confidence in what you know to be true about my promises. Don't settle for small things because it feels safe...I want to do big things on the canvas of your life. My promises work the same no matter how big or small the situation is."
What a sweet Father I have. He knows I am so tempted to live by my feelings...He knows I am his little, timid sheep. He uses the everyday things to gently remind me that I can trust Him...no matter how big or distorted the picture seems to me.

Friend, what are you facing today? No matter what it is, know that it has not surprised your Heavenly Father. I love what Joshua 3:4-5 says...you have not passed this way before...but get ready because the Lord is fixing to do wonders for you. (paraphrased by me...look it up!)
Psalm 62:8 "Trust in Him at ALL times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is our refuge."
Matthew 19:26 "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible"!!!

Trust Him...He is worthy and He sees the BIG PICTURE!

1 comment:

  1. Laura Salazar told me to come read your blog. It's not often I find one that really speaks to me, but you have no idea how much this applies to my life right now. My husband and I are facing the biggest of all circumstances that requires total and complete faith. I have been doing fine, but last night I woke in the middle of the night scared. It comes on me sometimes and I just have to say, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.." until the fear goes away.
    But I hadn't realized, I have all the faith in the world for the little things, but this big thing has caused me to question God's faithfulness. Thank you for the reminder that He is faithful in all circumstances, and He is painting abeautiful picture in my life right now.
