Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Broken Legs

In 2007, I began my journey out of the pit of depression. I had just started attending a program called Reformer's Unanimous for people who are struggling with strongholds in their life. I had been in two different facilities and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was on so much medication, I was numb but I still had this dark heaviness that sat on me like a lead know, the kind they use during x-rays. Nothing was helping and I was desperate. This was my last ditch effort for help.
I wanted a quick fix (who doesn't?), but I soon found out there is no shortcut. Every shortcut led back to the pit. I wanted to quit so many times, but I kept crying out to God from that dark pit. I did the work in the program, sometimes not feeling like it was doing a bit of good...I mean I knew God could help me, I just didn't know if He would.
After several months of faithfully attending the program and really doing the work, I began to notice a difference. The darkness was lifting was a long journey and didn't happen over night. But it was a victory none the less!
The problem was, when I started feeling better, I stopped crying out to God. I noticed this heaviness returning in the mornings...I would wake up with this dread every morning. I was so discouraged! "Its coming back". I thought. In a moment of frustration, I called out to God through tears..."You could heal me completely! Why are letting me be this way every morning...its so hard to get out of the bed and face the day. I just want to be whole!"
The Lord said (brought me to an understanding right there) "The shepherd sometimes has to break the legs of his precious sheep to keep them from running away. He then carries the wounded sheep on his shoulders. I am teaching you to stay close to me even when you feel good." Wow! He "broke my legs" to protect me.
Psalm 23 says that He makes us lie down in green pastures so He can nourish us and restore our soul. Then we will follow close behind Him on paths of righteousness.
The great news is that He makes the bones which He has broken rejoice...Psalm 51:8


  1. "I knew God could help me, I just didn't know if He would."

    I have had that identical thought more times than I can count...

  2. Great Job, Danielle. Keep on writing. You can help a LOT of people through this blog and I pray God will lead them here. Love you!!
