Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Prescription for Anxiety: Take as Directed 2

Prescription for Anxiety: Take as Directed. Step 2

In the last blog, we talked about taking our thoughts into captivity and bringing them into obedience because our thoughts directly affect the way we feel emotionally and physically. We saw in God's Word the command to think on "these things". To make it a point to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. I want to encourage you to write out each of those words and even list some things that would fall into each category so you will be armed with ammunition against disobedient thoughts. Remember...this does not come naturally! Let me give you an example...I was facing some medical tests, and the enemy was putting all kinds of thoughts in my mind about what the results would be. "It's probably cancer...or something that will cost a lot of money to fix...you know you don't have insurance..." On and on the thoughts flowed until I was almost paralyzed with fear. God whispered, "Are you taking your thoughts into captivity...are you thinking on things of good report, Danielle?" I wasn't thinking on "these things"....I was thinking on things of bad report. When I went to the doctor for the results, it turned out to be nothing. But even if it was "something", all my worrying wouldn't have changed it...in fact, it most likely would have made another health problem. Most of us let thoughts invade...we treat them like a welcome guest. We feed them and entertain them and let them hang out till they take over the "household" so to speak. Let's make it a point to think about what we are thinking about.
This brings me to Step 2. Since thinking on "these things" does not come naturally, we must purposely put the right thoughts in our mind daily.
We have to renew our mind by getting in the Word. Doesn't this sound cliche'? Many of us have heard it so much, it just sounds like nothing more than Christian lingo. But Romans 12:2 tell us that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. Now, this isn't a matter of just reading a chapter and checking it off our list. This is all about meditating. In fact, it is better to read one verse and really chew on it through the day, than to read a whole chapter of the Bible, slam the Bible shut and say...Done! Psalm 1:2 tells us that happy is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord and in the law (The Word) he meditates day and night. In other words, a person who wants to be happy puts "these things" in their mind daily and then thinks about it day and night.
Realize this. Depression and anxiety is bondage and every area of bondage in our lives is a result of a lie we believe. But the Truth will set us free. We must search the Truth (The Word) and replace the lies with the Truth. This is SO important....please do not just skim over this part. This IS the key...replace the lies with the truth!
Jesus wanted us to have peace...He said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that in me, ye might have peace" John 16:33. The things He spoke in His Word, he did so to give us peace! Psalm 119:165, "Great peace have they that love thy law (The Bible) and nothing shall offend them (cause them to stumble).
You see! There is peace and happiness to those who are willing to get in the Word, love the Word, and meditate on the Word.
So let's review...We are going to take our thoughts into captivity, and we are going to think on "these things" by renewing our mind and purposely putting the right kind of thoughts in our mind daily. We're going to replace the lies with the truth.

Watch for Step 3 in tomorrow's blog.

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