I didn't have chest pains or shortness of breath or any other symptoms that commonly go with a heart attack. Of course, this wasn't your typical heart attack.
Have you ever remembered a mistake from the past that made you just want to crawl under something and hope that the ground swallowed you up? Have you left a gathering and critically analyzed everything you said and did, wishing you would have shut up long before you did? Have you ever wondered what you had to offer or what purpose you could serve on this earth, always feeling like you just don't quite measure up?
I can answer yes to all of that! And you know what I thought? At one point, I believed I truly was worthless, and later I thought it was an attack of the enemy, the accuser of the brethren...you guessed it...satan. The truth is, it may have been satan on some occasions, but what I didn't consider, was that it could be "the other accuser"...my heart! I didn't consider that my own heart could be attacking me!
I John 3:20 says that our hearts condemn (accuse) us. Who knew? We can be our own worst enemy.
Verse 19 says that we know we are of the truth (If we are a child of God we are of Jesus, the way the TRUTH, and the life) and we should persuade our hearts of it, because when our hearts aren't accusing us, we can have confidence in God! (vs. 21) So, what do I use to persuade my heart?
I like word pictures, and I think of a court room scene here. The accuser (satan or my heart-which ever is attacking me at the time) is on one side and the defendant (me and my representative, Jesus) is on the other. The Judge, God, is sitting at an enormous bench at the front of the room wearing a robe with gavel in hand. The hearing begins. The accuser glares at me and begins to charge at me with accusations. Some of them are true. My face is hot as I look at the Judge, but there is no expression on His face. Just as I'm preparing to receive the anger and punishment that is sure to come, my Representative stands up and yells, "Objection! I've already paid the penalty for that offense". Then He presents the evidence: scars in the palms of His hands. The judge doesn't look at me at all! He looks right at the evidence and says, "Sustained. Case dismissed." Case after case, accusation after accusation, and it always ends this way. When the Judge looks at me, He doesn't see my offences. He sees the blood of His Son and my Representative.
WOW! That is GOOD stuff!Unfortunately, it is SO hard for us to really get this concept. It seems too good to be true and we have learned to be cynical of things that seem too good. I encourage you to really meditate on this and let it sink in because when we can truly understand how God sees us, we learn to live in victory! I get so excited and humbled and amazed every time I picture Jesus Christ presenting His blood to my Heavenly Father as the payment for my sins.
Have you ever heard someone say, "Trust your heart" or "Follow your heart"? According to God's Word, the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9)
You know what that tells me? I don't need to let my heart persuade me, I must learn to persuade my heart, using the evidence found in God's Word.
According to I John 3:22, when our hearts are not condemning us , we can have confidence in God and whatever we ask of Him, we receive. We can go to Him boldly.
So...let's do a spiritual check-up. Are you experiencing this kind of heart attack? Treat it using the prescription found in I John 3. Persuade it, using the same evidence that is good enough for an Almighty Judge and learn to live in victory and confidence!
I John 3:19-22
And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure (persuade) our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.